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Training – Government budgeting and violence prevention, South Africa

Cornerstone, in collaboration with the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the German Development Coorporation (GIZ), developed a series of government budgeting workshops. The workshops were designed to engage government officials, NGOs, development partners and researchers in addressing critical questions about public finance management, how National Treasury allocates funds to various government spheres and departments, and the factors that influence these decisions.

The following table provides an overview of the workshop sessions:

ThemeSession 1Session 2
Intergovernmental fiscal relations and division of revenueExplain what is meant by spheres of government as opposed to levels. Describe the three spheres of the government – national, provincial and local – their functions, revenue allocation, and how they address fiscal imbalances.Division of revenue to National Equitable Share, Provincial Equitable Share, Local Equitable Share and Conditional Grants. PES to education, health, poverty, poverty, economic activity, institutional and basic share. Communicate key issues about PES and conditional grants
The budget process and the MTEFDescribe the components that constitute a credible budget, explain the MTEF, requirements of the process, and key elements.

Explain the budget process, key players, public participation, and ways to improve participation in the budget process.
Provide a framework for managing budget cuts, savings and waste.

Differentiate between savings and expenditure cuts, the importance of each, and consequences. Managing limited resources to improve efficiency and decision-making considerations on competing priorities.
Norms and StandardsDescribe the importance of norms and standards, the different types, and their use in costing and budgeting.Funding norms and standards within the IGFR system. 

Provide an overview of the key elements of the Department of Social Development’s new Sector Funding Policy and how it uses norms and standards, and its funding allocation process.
Policy CostingWhy government should cost policy, the aim of policy costing, and the costing formula.

Differentiate between budgeting and costing.
Principles and steps for building a costing model.  Evaluating a costing model.

The purpose of the workshops was to give participants insights into the intricacies of public finance management, and develop strategies to advocate for, and implement, budgetary changes that prioritise violence prevention.

Should you be interested in the same or a similar workshop please feel free to contact Cornerstone.

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