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Spending Reviews, South Africa

Current project: More information will follow when completed.

Analysis – Economic costs of violence against children, Fiji

Current project: More information will follow when completed.

Cost Analysis – Institutional and family-based care for children, India

Current project: More information will follow when completed.

Policy Costing – Projections for expansion of preschool infrastructure, Kosovo

The Kosovo government, through the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), committed to implementing rapid measures for scaling-up access to preschool…

Research Paper 1 – Using models to cost government policies and programmes in South Africa

Research Paper No.1 The purpose of costing new and existing government programmes is to mobilise and systematise information in a way that presents…

Cost Analysis – Extending the child support grant, South Africa

This report explores the cost implications of two proposals to extend the social protection system in South Africa to cover pregnant women, namely:…

Policy Costing – Riverine Management Programme, South Africa

The Transformative Riverine Management Programme (TRMP), modelled on the eThekwini’s Sihlanzimvelo project, has been in the process of development for some years already…

Policy Costing – Future Hope of Addis Ababa Early Childhood Development Initiative, Ethiopia

The Addis Ababa City Administration has developed a comprehensive 2020/2021 annual action plan for the Future Hope of Addis Ababa Early Childhood Development…

Cost Analysis – Scaling up parenting programmes, South Africa

Any national strategy to prevent interpersonal violence should include evidence-based parentingprogrammes that support caregivers. Research on the effectiveness of parenting programmes for reducing…